
Empty Quarter: The Extreme Dakar Rally Stage

The Most Inhospitable Desert on Earth


The Dakar Rally and the Empty Quarter of Saudi Arabia

In the heart of Saudi Arabia stretches a vast and enigmatic desert known as the Empty Quarter, or "Rub' al Khali" in Arabic. This desert, one of the largest and most inhospitable in the world, has long been an enigma for adventurers and a challenge for rally raid enthusiasts. The Dakar Rally, famous for its toughness and for pushing the limits of both drivers and machines, found the perfect stage for its Saudi edition in the Empty Quarter.


The Empty Quarter, spanning parts of Saudi Arabia, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen, is a dune desert that covers about 650,000 square kilometers. With temperatures that can exceed 50°C and dunes reaching heights of 250 meters, it is a place where only the bravest and most prepared dare to venture.
Historically, this desert has been crossed by nomadic Bedouins, knowledgeable about the secrets of surviving in such a hostile environment. However, modernity brought new ways to explore this vast desert, and the rally has become one of them.

Why is it Called the "Empty Quarter"?

The designation "Empty Quarter" is translated from English as "Cuarto Vacío" in Spanish. This name comes from the translation of its Arabic designation, "Rub' al Khali," which literally means "The Empty Quarter" or "The Uninhabited Quarter." This name reflects the desolate and almost uninhabited nature of this vast desert region, an extremely challenging place for human life and symbolic of isolation and extreme challenge.

The Dakar Rally in Saudi Arabia

The Dakar Rally, which began in 1978 as a race from Paris to Dakar, Senegal, has become an icon in motorsports. After moving to South America in 2009 due to safety concerns in Africa, the rally found a new home in Saudi Arabia in 2020.
The choice of Saudi Arabia as the host of the Dakar Rally was not coincidental. The country offers varied topography, including mountains, valleys, and, of course, the challenging Empty Quarter. This desert has become the heart of the race, offering stages that are a true test of endurance for competitors.

Challenges and Adventures in the Empty Quarter

Competing in the Empty Quarter is a unique experience. Drivers and their teams must face extreme conditions, navigating through a sea of dunes that seems endless. Orientation becomes a crucial challenge, and physical and mental endurance is tested at every stage.
Despite these challenges, or perhaps because of them, the Empty Quarter has become a favorite for both veteran Dakar Rally participants and newcomers. The desolate beauty of the desert, combined with the adrenaline of the competition, creates an unforgettable experience.

The Empty Quarter not only challenges competitors but also offers them a unique opportunity to experience the majesty and vastness of the desert. Thus, the Empty Quarter has not only become a symbol of the Dakar Rally in Saudi Arabia but also a reminder of the human capacity to overcome the harshest environments and emerge victorious.